Chocolate Covered Cherry Jello Shots Drink Recipe

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19 ratings
Nutrition Information† ‡

Serving size: 250 mL (1 cup)

9.2 g
16 g
2.7 g


How to Make It

Mix cherry jello with the hot water until dissolved. Add the Godiva and vodka then pour into 2 oz cups and chill. For best results, chill the Godiva and Vodka prior to use.


This drink recipe was submitted by one of our gifted readers, Amy Paulsen!

Comments on Chocolate Covered Cherry Jello Shots

  • Sharon
    Dec 3rd, 2011
    I have made MANY jello shots...and I use 3/4 c boiling water to dissolve the jello, then add 3/4 c vodka. You can then add them to cups that are "painted" with melted dark chocolate from a candy making store. Pour in jello and let sit. When the bottom of the molds are opaque, you can gently tap the bottom of the mold for your "shots" to pop out.
  • Connie
    Dec 2nd, 2011
  • Ron Ray
    Dec 22nd, 2010
    I put a real SPIN on these, * 1 Cup (dark) Godiva, dark chocolate * 1 Cup Cruzen black cherry rum * 2 Cups (hot) Water * 1 package (cherry, large) Jello
  • Nov 21st, 2008
    My local LCBO doesn't carry decent Godiva (white only) so I substituted the liquors with 1.5 cups creme de cacao (white) and .5 cup white rum. Cherry chocolate rumballs! Even more delicious than any of the vodka jello shooters I've made before.

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