Chocolate Milk Drink Recipe

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3 ratings
Nutrition Information† ‡

Serving size: 1 drink

0.0 g
0 g
0 g


How to Make It

Chill vodka, pour in glass, add milk and stir.


This drink recipe was submitted by one of our courageous, yet humble readers, Leanne!

Comments on Chocolate Milk

  • Angi
    Jan 19th, 2017
    Vodka should not get slushie
  • Pauline
    Mar 10th, 2012
    They have chocolate vodka now so i am using that with regular white milk!
  • guest
    Feb 9th, 2012
    Add some kahlua to it and its heaven
    Feb 4th, 2011
    I love chocolate mile and vodka. I am going to try the vanilla vodka. sounds yummy!
  • Lorraine
    Oct 4th, 2010
    I use vanilla soy milk, chocolate syrup and whipped vodka.
  • Marven
    Sep 21st, 2010
  • larry
    Sep 28th, 2009
    why so cold?
  • Danny K
    Jan 19th, 2009
    This is not a bad drink at all, so don't be put off by the sound of it. It does work better if you have had the vodka in a freezer for a long while before hand (like at least a day) so the vodka goes nice and slushy. Same with the chocolate milk, you want that VERY cold. If you don't have vanilla vodka, you can add a few vanilla beans to the vodka (this will take a few weeks for best results), or just use concetrated vanilla drops, natural or artificial will do, whatever you have on hand.

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