Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse #2 Drink Recipe

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41 ratings
Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 drink

0.0 g
0 g
0 g


How to Make It

Pour all four in a glass.


This drink recipe was submitted by one of our eerily charismatic readers, CaptainMorgan!

Comments on Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse #2

  • Will
    May 8th, 2014
    The original 4 horesmen of the apocalypse or just 4 horsemen is as follows. Jim Beam, Jack Daniels Old No. 7, Jameson, and Johnnie Walker. Adding everclear makes it a 4 horsemen in hell as you set it on fire before drinking it. This way you're all whiskeys. Jim is a Kentucky bourbon whiskey. Jack is a Tennessee whiskey. Jameson is an Irish whiskey. And Johnnie Walker is a Scotch whiskey. The use of Jose is from goobs out there only remembering that all the brand names begin with the letter J. Most remember Jim Jack and Johnnie and forget Jameson and suddenly think they remember or really just settle on Jose. Mixing a Tequila with whiskeys is just grotesc and why it tasted so bad for some of you. Using 4 like alcohols isnt near as bad. Im not saying its good but using José in this mix is just wrong. Ive also heard of people using Captain Morgan or Don Q or any other brand with a male name and its not a true 4 horsemen.
  • drunk
    Jan 18th, 2014
    If you want good taste, no. If you want to get shit housed, yes.
  • Pat
    Mar 25th, 2012
    I start every bar night with this drink. Its the best!!!
  • Choleer
    Apr 19th, 2011
    I dont see how this could mess you up any worse than any other alcohol. I mean mixing four 40% alcohols still give you only 40% alcohol
  • J.
    Oct 12th, 2010
    i read it tried it .. and it ruined me.. i needed three chasers to get the taste out of my mouth.. and it hit me like a rock
  • hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Apr 19th, 2010
    sound amazingly horrible
  • Rich
    Oct 26th, 2009
    If you change the Cuervo to Jamesons and add 1oz of Everclear.. thats a 4Horsemen and Hell follows. Make you a man!
  • jessi
    Jun 9th, 2009
    it will mess you up so bad...
  • Lucas
    Apr 20th, 2009
    I know what you mean, hits like a rock
  • m
    Oct 4th, 2008
    omg i had this, and i was dead for the rest of the night.

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