Gin And Vodka Martini Drink Recipe

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9 ratings
Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 drink

0.0 g
4 g
0.1 g


  • 1 oz. Gin
  • 1 oz. Vermouth, sweet
  • 1 oz. Vodka

How to Make It

  1. Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add ice and shake well until chilled.
  3. Strain into glass.

This drink recipe was submitted by one of our good-looking readers, bigcountry!

Comments on Gin And Vodka Martini

  • Chris J
    Dec 31st, 2021
    I just call it GREAT
  • John
    Aug 1st, 2020
    A vesper has Lillet instead of vermouth.
  • Rob
    Mar 1st, 2019
    I've always known it as a James Bond martini. It's my favorite also!
  • Cj
    Jun 20th, 2017
    In Georgia I heard it called a lace martini
  • dagwood
    Jun 9th, 2017
    Gin-Vodka Martini dry is called a Stingray
  • Chuck
    Jun 9th, 2017
    I heard it called a Wall Streeter
  • Debra
    Apr 27th, 2017
    It's called a Ronaldo
  • Earl Goldstein
    Apr 14th, 2017
    Andrew Mellon, Pittsburgh heir and philanthropist had a half gin and half vodka on the rocks every day for lunch, called it a half and half and lived to be 95
  • HoBo
    Feb 1st, 2016
    The way you like!
  • Rose
    Jun 26th, 2015
    Gin and vodka martini is called a lace curtain.
  • rickyleeguitar
    Dec 31st, 2014
    my buddy introduced me to Vodka Gin Martini only we use 2 shots of Vodka and 2 shots of Gin and a half shot of dry vermouth and some olives we call it "Rocket Fuel" a few of these you will be feeling fine!
  • Capt.Gigi
    Nov 21st, 2014
    Vesper "007" is Gordon's Gin, Vidka, Kina Lillet, and lemon peel. As for anything it whatever.
  • Bob Hickey
    Jul 29th, 2014
    This is what I call a perfect Martini Equal parts of gin and vodka over crushed ice, two olives and two spoons of olive juice.
  • Furry pickles
    Oct 30th, 2013
    In northern Minnesota on the iron range it's popular for the past 130 years and is called a klima. (Climba)
  • Jill
    Oct 28th, 2013
    It's called a Klima, from what I have heard. But I do not think many people know that, so it would not help you in ordering.

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