Jager Bomb Drink Recipe
Other names: Flying Meister, Jagerbomb
- 1 shot Jägermeister
- 1/2 can Red Bull
How to Make It
- Pour Red Bull into a collins glass
- Drop in a shot glass full of Jagermeister
- Shoot the whole thing in one go.
This drink recipe was submitted by one of our damn fine readers, D Smith!
Comments on Jager Bomb
Jun 30th, 2015harvey wallbangers are better and will mess you up just as much
Jun 28th, 2013jagerbombs rock
Sep 26th, 2012black sambuka is way better than Jagermester, uneless you don't like a true black licorice flavor
Feb 7th, 2012Can't see what all the fuss is about. It tastes just like Galloway's cough syrup to me and has just about as much effect, of course most of you are too young to remember Galloway's and now it's banned...Shame
Jan 29th, 2012I actually order a tall jagersmokebomb at the bars. Instead of taking it as a shot, they use two shots in a tall glass over ice and fill the rest w red bull. The problem is that they r so damn good, i drink em almost as fast as a jagerbomb. LOL!
Jul 22nd, 2011Taste Way Better With Monster!!!
Apr 16th, 2011Jager Bomb, good for when your working on programing projects!!!!
Mar 24th, 2011Screw RedBull AND RockStar...KILLER BUZZ is the ONLY way to go !
Dec 31st, 2010The best way to drink a bomb is mix it upthe regular way but you got to line the edge of the glass with cocaine. like a syco margarita. Then its ping ping ping GO!
Dec 10th, 2010I love how people feel the need to comment on something as trivial and overdone and boring as a Jagerbomb recipe. To take the time is to admit you have nothing better to do than to look up feeble things on the internet while you waste time before bed/work/school. I also hate hypocrites.
Nov 22nd, 2010On a hot night try Jager, apple juice and fresh mint with ice....not crazy as a bomb but a sexy drink none the less.
Nov 12th, 2010what are you idiots.... 12? jager is horrible, only way to drink it is with rockstar!!! rockstar is also good with vodka. the only problem with any drink with Rockstar/redbull, is that your not sure whether to run a marathon or pass out drunk!!!
Nov 3rd, 2010hell ya ima do this for my party this weekend!!!!!! im so excited cuz this would be my first time doing jager bombs
Oct 19th, 2010is this good for like ... high school parties? i havent consumed copious ammounts of alcohal, and haloween should be a good time to start. is jager good to begin with ?? :D
Sep 7th, 2010awesome drink! "if u aint gettin drunk get tha fuck out tha club!" =)
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