Morphine Drip Drink Recipe
This is a flaming drink. Please read our notes about flaming drinks and be careful.
- 1/2 shot Amaretto
- 1 splash Rum, overproof/151 proof (Bacardi 151)
- 1/2 shot Schnapps, butterscotch
How to Make It
Pour 1/2 shot butterscotch schnapps into shot glass. Top with 1/2 shot of amaretto, splash with 151 rum and light on fire. Put out fire and drink.
This drink recipe was submitted by one of our eerily charismatic readers, Jennifer!
Comments on Morphine Drip
May 2nd, 2024I've been making these for years and everyone enjoys them. I skip the rum
Nov 20th, 2012The schnapps should be cold if available as such. This way you have hot n cold n one drink.
Dec 20th, 2008This a good one if you like a drink that tastes good and hits you hard! It can sometimes be on the expensive side, but it's good stuff!!
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