Scotch and Ginger Ale Drink Recipe

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17 ratings
Nutrition Information

Serving size: 250 mL (1 cup)

0.0 g
20 g
0 g


How to Make It

Fill glass with ice. Pour 1.5 oz. Scotch over ice. Top off with ginger ale.


This drink recipe was submitted by one of our charming readers, Heather Glenn!

Comments on Scotch and Ginger Ale

  • Steed and Peel
    Apr 23rd, 2023
    It is served at bar of a luxury liner in The Avengers, Episode 30 (Season 2, episode 5) entitled “Mission to Montreal” at about 26 minutes into the show.
  • Rob
    Jan 31st, 2023
    I was served this at a very expensive “Gentleman’s club” in Buckinghamshire , England, UK, ( which used to be owned by Playboy) in a tall glass with crushed ice, can’t remember the whisky, but I think the ginger ale was Schweppes (Canada Dry associate) and they referred to it as a Scotch and American, as stated by ‘Passer-by’, which is great, as most people give me a strange look and bar persons I request it from. I have to explain what it is, so thanks, Passer-by, I’m not going mad!!!!
  • David
    Nov 12th, 2020
    Stumbled upon this concoction and I am pleasantly pleased by it. I use the smaller cans, it's a good ratio.
  • Dave Kent
    Oct 18th, 2019
    Stumbled on this recipe by accident. Really enjoyable. Light, refreshing, and depending on the Scotch various tastes occur.
  • Frank Zappa
    Feb 5th, 2019
    This is good. I use Monkey Shoulder Scotch and Canada Dry ginger Ale. Just a smidgen of the ginger ale though. The Monkey Shoulder Scotch is nice even without any mixer.Slice of lemon on the rim too. 3 or 4 of these before bedtime and the bed bugs won't bite.
  • JL
    Jan 16th, 2015
    I believe it is commonly known as a Presbyterian.
  • Lotterman
    Jan 4th, 2014
    Try this just as the recipe states but add a liberal dash of angostura bitters. I prefer making this with a single malt at least 10 year old
  • Mike P
    Mar 10th, 2013
    Very good. I bought a bottle of Canada dry KNOWING deep down that i heard of a scotch drink with ginger ale, came here to dbl check before wasting my good scotch.
  • Mark Miller
    Feb 11th, 2013
    In 1975 I attended a formal reception aboard the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Kent, a handsome ship decommissioned a few years later. I accepted an offer of Scotch and something, not quite getting the request in the noise of conversations on deck, and received a Scotch and ginger ale. I assumed someone had mistakenly substituted ginger ale for soda water. A discreet inquiry - I didn't want to offend my hosts - revealed that this is or was then a popular combination. As others note here, it is an interesting drink.
  • Passerby
    Nov 6th, 2012
    It's called A Scotch and American.
  • DanZ
    Jul 28th, 2012
    I'm used to drinking scotch either neat or on the rocks. I decided to give it a try with Ginger Ale tonight. Really think scotch on the rocks is the way to go; this just killed too many of the flavors of the scotch.
  • JohnR
    Jun 4th, 2012
    this works for me!
  • granola gal
    Oct 13th, 2011
    makes johnnie walker drinkable.. thanks!
  • Mick
    May 2nd, 2011
    Just trying it now!!!! Not bad at all
  • Dave Who
    Jan 1st, 2011
    Ain't nothing like siipin' on this and watching the DVD " The Last Waltz".

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