The Screwed Up Fuzzy Navel Of A Gator Drink Recipe

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Nutrition Information† ‡

Serving size: 250 mL (1 cup)

0.0 g
17 g
7.4 g


How to Make It

Fill a tumbler with crushed ice. Add 1 ounce of orange juice, 3 ounces of schnapps, 3 1/2 ounces of vodka, then shake. Add 2-5 more ounces of Orange juice (depending on taste and constitution), top off with blue raspberry "Rose's Cocktail Infusion" (drink will turn green at this point), then drop a couple of cherries in. Sip away.


This drink recipe was submitted by one of our eerily charismatic readers, Mike Heard!

Contributor notes

Great drink for just chilling out. Go Gators 2006 NCAA Basketball Champs.

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