Red Snapper Drink Recipe

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140 ratings
Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 drink

0.0 g
18 g
0 g


How to Make It

Shake ingredients with ice and strain into glass over ice.


This drink recipe was submitted by one of our funkadelic readers, Debi!

Comments on Red Snapper

  • jennifer
    May 10th, 2016
    from what I understand the red snaooer is the gin alternative to the bloody mary
  • Marnie
    Dec 1st, 2012
    Just had this drink last night in a highball glass. Bartender also added a splash of peach schnapps and a splash of club soda. Very tasty!
  • Miss Lisa
    Mar 1st, 2012
    After you pour it in the glass add a splash of red bull it's delicious...
  • Skuzzle
    Jun 8th, 2011
    @amorrica Actually it can be a shot or a drink and for tasting so good I prefer the mixed drink version
  • Brill
    May 28th, 2010
    My favorite shot. I mix up a big batch and keep in the fridge. DEE-LISH !!
  • carmela
    Apr 12th, 2010
    It can be a shot or a drink. Make at home - Double the liquors and triple the juice in a highball glass over crushed ice, don't shake and strain just stir with your straw if you want to sip on it or stirstick if you don't like sipping. If you order one dining out and its not the bartender you talk to, tell your server that you want this one and not the Red Snapper Bloody Mary (also gooood, totally different drink) or you may have to reorder!
  • Feb 16th, 2010
    its a shot. not a drink
  • T-Bone
    Aug 15th, 2008
    It is a sweet drink, no bitter taste. By far my new favorite drink.

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