Drink Recipe Browser - Shooter drinks
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Shooter drink recipes
- $3.00 Hooker
- '57 Chevy #2
- (Mick's) Misty 52
- 1 2 3 Knockout
- 1.21 Gigawatts
- 3 Day Weekend
- 3-ptr
- 4th Of July #2
- 6 A.M.
- 8 Ball
- 8 Iron
- 10 W 40
- 24-Seven
- 24k Nightmare
- 40 Skit And A Bent Jant
- 44d
- 49er Gold Rush
- 57 Chevy #3
- 99 Jagers
- 220 Btu
- 252
- 316
- 550
- 911
- A.S.S. On Flames
- Abortion Shot
- Absinthe Shot
- Absinthe Without Leave
- Absolut Asshole
- Absolutely Fruity
- Absolut Flat Liner
- Absolut Nut
- Absolut Passion
- Absolut Quaalude
- Absolut Tooch
- Acapulco Shot
- Acid
- Acid Cookie
- Adios Motherfucker #2
- Aequitas
- African Wench
- Afterbirth
- Afterburn
- After Dark
- After Eight
- After Eight #2
- After Five
- Afterlanche
- After Sex
- Airhead
- A Joy Of Almond
- AK47
- Alabama Slammer #2
- Alexander The Great
- Alice In Nightmareland
- Alien Nipple
- Alien Secretion
- Alien Suicide
- Ali Shooter
- A Little Bit Of Maeve
- A Little Bit Of Maeve #2
- A Little Dick'll Do
- Alligator #2
- Alligator Bite
- Almond Kiss
- Altarboy With A Sore Ass Crying In The Rectory
- Amaretto Pie
- Amaretto Power
- American Dream
- American Flag
- A Monkey's Nut
- Andes Candies
- Andes Mint On Your Pillow
- Andy's Mint
- Angel's Tit
- Angel Dust
- Angel Hair
- Angelize
- Angry Floridian
- A Night At Naughty Nikki's
- A Night In Georgia
- Another Pineapple Upside Down Cake
- Antifreeze #5
- Aphrodisiac
- A Piece Of Ass
- A Piece Of Ass #2
- Apocalyptic City
- Apocalyptic Diarrhea
- Apple Ashley
- Apple Cider Slider
- Apple Cobbler
- Apple Jack #3
- Apple Mule
- Apple Passion
- Apple Pie #4
- Apple Pie (Bulk)
- Apple Pie a la Mode
- Apple Pie A La Mode #2
- Apple Pie Shot
- Apple Pie Shot #2
- Apple Pie Shot #3
- Apple Pie Shot #4
- Apple Slammer
- Argus Filch
- Arizona Antifreeze
- Arizona Powwow
- Arkansas Rattler
- Armageddon
- Armageddon Shot
- Army Green
- Artic Polarbear
- Ask The Barman
- Ass Kicker
- Astropop
- Atomic Fireball
- Attitude Adjustment
- Auburn Headbanger
- Autopsy
- Avada Kedavra
- A Warm Glass Of Shut The Hell Up
- B-51
- B-52
- B-52 #2
- B-52 #3
- B-52 #4
- B-52 #5
- B-52 #6
- B-52 (Irish Style)
- B-52 Original
- B-53
- B-53 #2
- B-54
- B-57
- B52
- Babael
- Baby Aspirin
- Baby Bam
- Baby Beer
- Baby Guiness
- Baby Guinness
- Bacardi-O Crayon
- Backdraft #2
- Backfire
- Back Shot
- Backstabber
- Back Street Romeo
- Bad Habit
- Bahama Slammer
- Bailey's Comet #2
- Bailey's Hot Shot
- Baileys Bitch
- Ball Hooter
- Ball Hooter #2
- Banana Bite
- Banana Bomber
- Banana Boomer Shooter
- Banana Jack
- Banana Licorice
- Bananas And Cream
- Banderas
- Bank Statement
- Banshee Berry
- Barbie Shot
- Bare Ass
- Barney On Acid
- Barracuda
- Barricuda #2
- Bartender's Cherry
- Bartender's Wet Dream
- Bart Simpson
- Bastardo
- Bat Blood
- Bawls On Your Chin
- Bayou Bomb
- Bayou Juice
- Bazooka
- Bazooka Joe
- BBGrand
- Beam Me Up, Scotty
- Bearcat Special
- Bear Dozer
- Beauty And The Beast
- Beaver Tail
- Bend Me Over
- Berry Cherry Chocolate
- BiggDaddy's Man Juice
- Big Shot
- Big Tim Balls
- Bikini #2
- Bikini Line
- Bin Laden
- Bit 'o Honey
- Bitchslap
- Bitter Apples #2
- Bitter Rose
- Black & Gold
- Black And Blue
- Black And Blue #2
- Black And White
- Black Apple
- Blackberry Lane
- Black Cactus
- Black Cherry Shot
- Black Cinnamon Apple
- Black Dahlia
- Black Death # 2
- Black Fairy
- Blackforest
- Black Haus Peach
- Black Jack #2
- Black Kentucky
- Black Magic Cream
- Black Orchid Shooter
- Black Rain
- Black Raspberry Ice Cream
- Blacktooth
- Black Tooth Grin
- Black Waterfall
- Black Wolf
- Black Yak
- Blazing Saddle
- Bleacher's Twist
- Blended Frog
- Blinding Light
- Bliss
- Blister Agent
- Blonde Bimbo
- Blonde Headed Slut
- Blonde Headed Slut #2
- Blood And Guts
- Blood Clot
- Blood Test
- Bloody Pussy
- Bloody Shrek
- Blow Job
- Blow Job Revenge
- Blowjob Revenge
- Blue Balls #2
- Blue Balls Shot
- Blueberry Breeze
- Blueberry Candy
- Blueberry Lemonade
- Blueberry Muffin
- Blueberry Pie
- Blueberry Tic Tac
- Blue Blazer
- Blue Bomber
- Blue Devil
- Blue Eyed Blonde
- Blue Fla-Vor-Ice
- Blue Ghost
- Blue Moon
- Blue Razzberry Kamikaze
- Blue Smurf
- Blue Stained Dress
- Blue Tear Jerker
- Bob Marley #2
- Body Bag
- Body Shot
- Boinkin' Shannon
- Boot To The Head
- Boozer Bob
- Boozie
- Botched Abortion
- Bottle Cap
- Bottom Bouncer
- Brain
- Brain Damage #2
- Brain Tumor
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Branded Nipple
- Brandon Flowers
- Brass Balls
- Brave Bull Shooter
- Breathalizer
- Brent's Cappuccino
- Bri's Almond Cider
- Brian Shot
- Brick Wall
- Bride To Be
- Broken Down Golf Cart
- Broken Down Golf Cart #2
- Brooklyn Hooker
- Brown Acid
- Brown Passion
- Bruce's Puce
- Bruised Heart
- Brunettes Can Be Sluts Too
- Brush Fire
- Bs 2
- Bubble Gum #2
- Bubblegum Bomber
- Bubblicious
- Buca Bear
- Buca Bomb
- Buckshot
- Buffalo Sweat
- Bull's Sweat
- Bull Blaster
- BullShit
- Bull Sweat
- Bumble Bee
- Burn
- Burning Africa
- Burning Nazi
- Bushwacker #5
- Butterball
- Butterballs
- Butterbee
- Butterfinger #2
- Butterfly Nipple
- Butternut Rum Lifesaver
- Butterscotch Cookie Shot
- Buttery Crown
- Buttery Nipple
- Buttery Nipple #2
- Buttery Nipples #3
- Buttery Nipple With A Cherry Kiss
- Buttmeister
- Butt Pirate
- C-141
- C.C. Kazi
- Cadbury Mudshot
- Caged Animal
- Calypso
- Camel Hump
- Canadian Freight Train
- Canadian Hunter
- Candy Apple #3
- Candy Apple #4
- Candy Cane #2
- Candyland
- Candy Orange
- Capital Punishment
- Captain's Charge
- Captain's Parrot
- Captain's Whore
- Captain Louie
- Captain Morgan on Acid
- Caramel Apple
- Caramel Apple #1
- Caramel Apple #2
- Carameled Apple
- Caramel Sunday
- Caramel Washington Apple
- Caramilk
- Care Bear
- Carebear Cum
- Carmel Apple Shot
- Carnival Apple
- Carolina Vagina
- Carribean Volcano
- Carrot Cake
- Carrot Cake #2
- Cartwheel
- Catfish
- Cattle Prod
- Cement Kicker
- Cement Mixer
- Cerebellum
- Cerebral Hemorrhage #2
- Cert Sensation
- Cheese Cake
- Che Guevara
- Cherry Blow
- Cherry Bomb #2
- Cherry Bomb #3
- Cherry Cheesecake
- Cherry Cough Syrup
- Cherry Drop
- Cherry Lifesaver
- Cherry Lifesaver #2
- Cherry Ooh-La-La
- Cherry Pie
- Chill Out Shock
- China White
- Chira
- Choco Cherry
- Chocolate Bomb
- Chocolate Cake
- Chocolate Cake #2
- Chocolate Cake #3
- Chocolate Cherry
- Chocolate Cherry Bomb
- Chocolate Cherry Kiss Sensation
- Chocolate Covered Cherry #3
- Chocolate Covered Cherry Jello Shots
- Chocolate Covered Cherry Shooter
- Chocolate Covered Cherry Shot
- Chocolate Death
- Chocolate Heaven
- Chocolate Lesbian
- Chocolate Martini Shot
- Chocolate Slammer
- Chocolate Valentine
- Cindy's Orchid
- Cinnamon Apple
- Cinnamon Roll
- Clarke's Concoction
- Click!
- Clit Licker
- Closet Case
- Cobra Bite
- Cobra Commander
- Cocaine
- Cockit!
- Cock Sucking Cowboy
- Cock Tease
- Cocktease
- Coco-43
- Coco Crisp
- Coconut Cream
- Coconut Cream Pie
- Coconut Cream Pie #2
- Coffee Kiss
- Cohoes Car Bomb
- Coke Float
- Colorado Bull Fucker
- Colorado Prairie Fire
- Combat Shot
- Concord
- Concrete
- Congealed Blood Clot
- Cookie Dough
- Cookie Monster
- Cookie Monster #2
- Cool Hot Damn
- Coondog
- Cooper Cum
- Cooter Cork
- Cop Car
- Copper Camel
- Cordless Screwdriver
- Cough Drop
- Cough Syrup
- Crackhouse
- Cranberry Zamboni
- Crazy Bitch
- Creamsicle Jr.
- Creamy Sex On The Beach
- Creature Of The Night
- Creme De La Carly
- Crimson Tide (shot)
- Crispy Crunch
- Crispy Crunch #2
- Crotch
- Cruciatus
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Virgin
- Cucacaracha
- Cum In A Hot Tub
- Cum Shot
- Cum Shot #2
- Curly Tail Twist
- Curt's Cherry Popper
- Curtain Call
- Cyrano
- Czech Collaborator
- D.N.A. Cocktail
- Daddy's Milk
- Daisy Duke's Dirty Panties
- Daisy Duke's Wet Panties
- Dakota
- Dallas Stars
- Dammit PJ
- Damned If You Do
- Damn Good
- Damn Jager
- Damn Yankee
- Dan-O-Bomb
- Dark and Stormy Shot
- Dark Nightmare
- Daydream
- Dazed And Confused
- DC
- Dc3
- Dead Green Frog
- Dead Nazi
- Death Bed
- Death Row
- Deaths List
- Death Wish
- Death Wish #2
- Deep Throat
- Deep Throat #2
- Demon Seamon
- Depth Charge
- Detox
- Devastating Body Rocker
- Devil's Breath
- Devil's Candy
- Devil Drink
- Dickjack
- Dick Wells
- Dirtiest Ernie
- Dirty Bird
- Dirty Bizzo
- Dirty Blow Job
- Dirty Condom
- Dirty Duck
- Dirty Girl Scout #3
- Dirty Green Devil
- Dirty Irish Pussy
- Dirty Island
- Dirty Leprecaun
- Dirty Moose
- Dirty Nipple
- Dirty Oatmeal
- Dirty Orgasm
- Dirty Panties
- Dirty Puerto Rican
- Dirty Pussy
- Dirty Sanchez
- Dirty Tuaca Shot
- Dizzy Damage
- Dog Bowl
- Dolt Bolt
- Dong
- Double Dirty Chocolate Orgasm
- Double Gold
- Downsizing Reality
- Dr. Court
- Dracula's Kiss
- Dragon's Kiss
- Dragon Sweat
- Dragon Sweat #2
- Dried-up Pussy
- Drunk Monkey #2
- Dublin Double
- Duck Call Shooter
- Duck Fart
- Duke's Nightmare
- E.M.P.
- Earthquake #2
- Eating Ass
- Eat My Cherry
- Eight Seconds
- El Blanco Gato Chocolate
- Electric Gatorade
- Electric Jello
- Emerald City
- Emerald Isle
- Epitaph
- Evil Death Mix
- Fahrenheit 5000
- Far Gone
- Fart Shot
- Fatima's Dream
- Feiry Fairy
- Fiery German
- Finger Me Good
- Fire
- Fireball
- Fire Breathing Dragon
- Fire Cracker
- Fire In The Hole
- Five Aces (Beats A Royal Flush)
- Five Star General
- Flaming Asswipe
- Flaming Banana
- Flaming Black Russian
- Flaming Blue Fuck
- Flaming Chocolate Orange
- Flaming Flag
- Flaming Jelly Bean
- Flaming Jesus
- Flaming Lemon Drop
- Flaming Licorice
- Flaming Melon
- Flaming Mexican Flag
- Flaming Sambuca
- Flaming Sugar Lips
- Flaming Twist
- Flashfire
- Flat Nose Butt Sniffer
- Flu Shot
- Foreplay
- Formaldehyde Brain
- Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse #2
- Foxfire Blitz
- Freaking Shot
- Freddy Kruger
- French Kiss
- French Pirate In A Thong
- French Toast
- French Toast #2
- French Whore
- Friday Night Special
- Frigid Alaskan Nipple
- Froggermeister
- Frog In Ya Throat
- Frosty Nipple
- Frozen Alaskan Prostitute
- Frozen Citron Lemon Drop
- Fruit Loop #2
- Fruit Loop #3
- Fruit Of The Loom
- Fruit Tingles
- Fruity Fairy
- Fruity Pebbles
- Fruity Warm Blood Shot
- Fuck Me In The Ass Sideways
- Funeral For A Friend
- Funky Chicken
- Fuzzy Astronaut
- Fuzzy Balls
- Fuzzy Blue Gobbler
- Fuzzy Chambord Slammer
- Fuzzy Cherry
- Fuzzy Irishman
- Fuzzy Mother
- Fuzzy Nipple
- Fuzzy Peach
- Fuzzy Pecker
- Fuzzy Slut
- G-Spot
- Gangrene
- Gas Chambers Of Temple Bar
- Gasolina
- Gator Bite
- German Cherry Bomb
- Germans Invading The Dutch
- German Thug
- Gestapo
- Ghb
- Gilligan #2
- Gina
- Gingerbread Man
- Git-r-done
- Golden Elk
- Golden Nipple
- Golden Shooter
- Gold Furnace
- Goosebumps
- Gorilla Fart #2
- Gotham
- Grampa's Morning Coffee
- Grandma's Apple Pie
- Grape Ape #2
- Grape Bomb
- Grapermelon
- Great Balls Of Fire
- Green Apple
- Green Beaver
- Green Beret
- Green Chilli
- Green Cookie Monster
- Green Dinosaur #3
- Greene Monster
- Green Eyed Blonde
- Green Gummy Bear
- Green Lizard
- Green Lizard #2
- Green Lizard #3
- Green Menace
- Green Monster
- Green River
- Green Spider
- Green Thing
- Grey Velvet
- Guacamaya
- Gumdrop
- Gummi Bear #3
- Gummy Worm Bomb
- Gun Shot In Detroit
- Haggis
- Hairy Ape
- Hakkespett
- Half Of Everything We Gots
- Happy Camper
- Happy Feller
- Hard On #2
- Harley Oil
- Harley Oil #3
- Hawaiian King
- Hawaiian Punch
- Hawaiian Punch U
- Hawaiian Shooter
- Hawaiian Volcano
- Hawkeye
- HB Shotgun
- Headache
- Head Shock
- Headshot
- Heidi's Purple Haze
- Hell's Eye
- Hell Yeah
- Hillbilly Asshole
- Hole-In-One Shooter
- Holland (The Netherlands)
- Holy Fuck
- Homer's Plutonium
- Honeycomb
- Hong Kong Black Bomb
- Honkie
- Honnessey
- Hop, Skip, And Go Naked #2
- Horny Bayman
- Horny Monkey
- Hot Apple Crisp
- Hot Apple Pie
- Hot Doctor
- Hot Lesbian Sex
- Hot Peach Pie
- Hot Pink Pussy
- Hot Rose
- Hot Shoots
- Hot Shots
- Hotter Than Hell
- Hunter
- Hunting Party
- Hyacinthe
- Hyper Monkey
- Hypnoade
- Hypnotic Butterfly
- I-V Shot
- Idiot Box
- Imperius
- In The Ocean
- Irish Fat Frog
- Irish Flag
- Irish Flag #3
- Irish Fucker
- Irish Jell-o
- Irish Kiss
- Irish Potatoe
- Irish Stinger
- Irish Tart
- Irish Tire Fire
- Iron Curtain
- It's A Secret
- Italian Hillbilly
- Jack-a-Roo
- Jacked Up
- Jack Off
- Jackson Five
- Jack Voigt
- Jacquie From The Backie
- Jaffa
- Jagerita #3
- Jagerolie Bomb
- Jager Shaker
- Jager Shaker #2
- Jager Shaker #3
- Jalisco's Formula
- Jamaica Dust
- Jamaican Crawler
- Jambalaya
- Jambu
- Jam Donut
- Jamexican
- Java's Jerseys
- Jello Colada
- Jello Shots
- Jelly Bean
- Jelly Fish
- Jen's Kick In The Junk
- Joe's Apartment
- Joey's Delight
- Jolly Drunken Rancher
- Jolly Rancher #4
- Jonny Vegas
- Judgement Day
- Julie's Lemon Drop Shot
- June Bug
- Junior Mint #2
- Junior Mint #3
- Junior Mint #4
- Junk In Da Trunk
- Jupiter Milk
- Jägerschläger
- Jägersour
- Jäggerbaby
- K's Chocolate Pudding Shots
- K-Hole
- KahBula
- Kamakazi Deluxe
- Kamikaze Polish Version
- Kamikaze Shooter
- Kamora Mocha Mint
- Kanawful's Serum
- Keith Jackson
- Kelly's Koolaid
- Kerosene
- Key Lime Pie
- Kickem'
- Kick In The Ace
- Kick In The Balls
- Kick In The Peaches
- Kimber-Lee Krush
- Kinky Bitch
- Kitty Titty
- Kriaura
- KT-did
- Lake Bottom
- Large Toucher
- Lava Lamp
- Lava Lamp #2
- Lava Shot
- Lemonade Shooter
- Lemon Drop #3
- Lemon Drop Shot
- Lights Out
- Linder
- Linh's Big Creamy O
- Liplock
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Liquid Black
- Liquid Candy
- Liquid Cheese Cake
- Liquid Cinnamon
- Liquid Cocaine
- Liquid Cocaine #2
- Liquid Cocaine #3
- Liquid Cocaine #6
- Liquid Fun Dip
- Liquid Heroin #2
- Liquid Heroin #3
- Liquid Marijuana #2
- Liquid Sex
- Lisa's Jolly Rancher
- Little Beer
- Live Human Brains
- Loaded Cappuccino
- Lobotomy
- Lochness Monster
- Lord Smirnoff
- Love Potion # 9
- Lucky Charm
- Lyndon State Rugger
- M16
- Mack 10
- Mad Cow
- Mad Dog
- Mama's Got Her Boobs Out
- Man! That's Good!
- Manannan Mac Lir
- Mandrex
- Mandy Shot
- Margarita Diablo
- Margarita Splash Under A Waterfall With A Mexican Lover
- Marijuana Milkshake
- Marijuana Milkshake #2
- Martha Stewart
- Masturbation
- McIntosh Apple
- Meagan's Jello Shots
- Megan's Mom
- Mello Berry Ball
- Mellow Yellow
- Melon Bomb
- Melon Cherry Kamikaze
- Melon Tang
- Menage-a-trois
- Menage a Trois #2
- Metallica
- Meth Lab
- Mex-Meister
- Mexican Apple
- Mexican Cherry
- Mexican Cherry Bomb
- Mexican Flag
- Mexican Martini
- Mexican Mountie
- Mexican Nazi
- Mexican Pebble
- Mexican Sweat
- Mexican Tapwater
- Mexican Water
- Miami Ice
- Mickey's Tummy Ticklers
- Mick Jagger
- Mickvendrew
- Mid Air Collision
- Milky Way
- Minerva
- Mint Chocolate Chip #3
- Minty Asshole
- Misdemeanour
- MJ And Bubbles
- Mocha Shot
- Moist And Pink
- Mojo Curio
- Molotov
- Mom's Apple Pie
- Monk's Hood
- Monkey Balls
- Monkey Brains
- Monkey Brains #2
- Monkey Cum
- Monkey Fart
- Monkey Spunk
- Monkey Zinger
- Monster Comfort
- Montana Prairie Fire
- Moonlight Hacker
- Moose Hummer
- Morphine Drip
- Mother Fucker
- Mr. Incredible
- Mr. T
- Mud Pie
- Mule Kick
- Mussolini
- My Sweetness
- Nanogram
- Naughty School Girl
- Navy Seal
- Nick's Fruit Punch
- Nick At Nite
- Nickler
- Nitequell
- No Name
- Northern Dancer
- Northern Europe Mongrel
- Norwegian Orgasm
- No Shit Sherlock
- Nothing Shot
- Nova Scotia Special
- Nuclear Bomb
- Nuclear Fallout
- Nuts 'n Holly
- Nutt-ah Butt-ah
- Nutty Irishwoman
- Nutty Meister
- Nutty Professor
- Nymphomaniac
- O.D.O.A.
- Oatmeal Cookie
- Oatmeal Cookie #2
- Oatmeal Cookie #3
- Oatmeal Cookie #4
- Oatmeal Cookie Shots
- OjagerJbomb151
- Oklahoma Rattler
- One Night Stand #2
- Open Grave
- Orangasm
- Orange Crush #2
- Orange Drop
- Orange Flamingo
- Orange Shooter
- Ouija
- Overflow
- Pancake
- Pandalicious
- Panty Hamster
- Passion Guava
- Patagonian Black Bush
- Paua Shell
- PB&J
- Peach Bomb
- Peach Flambe
- Peach Haze
- Peach Tart
- Peanut Butter & Jelly #2
- Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
- Peanut Butter And Jelly
- Pearl Diver #2
- Peeping Tom
- Pepper Jack
- Peppermint Pattie
- Peppermint Patty
- Peppermint Patty #3
- Peppermint Patty #5
- Peppermint Patty #6
- Peppermint Patty Shot
- Peppermint Rose
- Pepper Shooter
- Pepto Bismol
- Perfect Cherry Cheese Cake
- Photon Torpedoes
- Pickled Placenta
- Pierced Navel
- Pimp Juice
- Pineapple Upside Your Head Cake
- Pine Cone
- Pinkeye
- Pink Panties
- Pink Petal
- Pinky
- Pirate's Blood
- Pissed Off Mexican
- Pitbull On Crack
- Pixie Sticks
- Platinum Bullet
- Poison Apple
- Pokey Pokey
- Polar Bear Shot
- Poon
- Poontang Punch
- Poor Man's Pie
- Popeye
- Pop My Cherry
- Pornstar
- Pornstar Shooter
- Porn Star Shooter
- Portland Style Cherry Bomb
- Pouce Coupe Puddle
- Power Hour
- Prairie Fire
- Protestant Ethic
- Pucker Up #2
- Puke In The Sink
- Puketastic
- Pumpkin Pie
- Pumpkin Pie #2
- Punch In The Head
- Punheta
- Punk Rock Slut
- Purple Breeze
- Purple Cow
- Purple Hooter
- Purple Hooters
- Purple Koolaid
- Purple Lobster
- Purple People Drinker
- Purple People Eater #2
- Purple Sour Banana
- Pussy Juice #2
- Pussy Juice #3
- Pussy Juice #5
- Quebecer Banana Blow Job
- Quick Fuck #2
- Quicksand #2
- Rabid Pitbull
- Rain Fuck
- Raising Kain
- Randy Alligator
- Rasberry GloWorm
- Raspberry Jello Spritzer
- Raspberry Truffle
- Rat Face
- Rat Shooter
- Rattlesnake
- Rattlesnake #2
- Razor Wire
- Razzberry Yummy
- Real Pineapple Upside Down Cake
- Red Death
- Red Death #2
- Red Diamond
- Redheaded Slut
- Redheaded Slut Jello Shots
- Redheaded Slut On Fire
- Red Hot Ford
- Red Hot Jack
- Redneck Killer
- Redneck Tequila
- Red Rag
- Red Rooster
- Red Rum Shooter
- Retarded Love
- Ric's Chocolatier Cake Shot
- Rich German Chocolate Cake
- Road Kill #2
- Rocket Fuel
- Rocket Pop
- Rock Lobster #2
- Rocky Mountain Bear Fucker
- Rocky Mountain Bear Fucker #2
- Rocky Mountain Mother Fucker
- Rocky Road
- Root Beer Float
- Rootbeer Float #3
- Rootbeer Float Smash
- Root Beer Shooter
- Rose Ball
- Rosebud
- Roswell
- Rotten Apple
- Rotten Peach
- Rough Redneck
- Route 66
- Royal Apple
- Royal Butts
- Royal Lion
- Royal Rose
- Royal Shock
- Royal Sicilian Kiss
- Royal Stag
- Rumpled Feathers
- Run Around Naked
- Run Like Hell
- Russian Qualude
- Rusty Halo
- Rythym & Blues
- S & M
- Sabra
- SaiPa
- Sangrita Verde
- Santa Claus Is Coming
- Santa Claus Shocker
- Satan's Blood
- Sawyer Destroyer
- Scary Night
- Schist
- Schnozzberry
- Scooby Shooter
- Scooby Snack
- Scooby Snack #4
- Scooby Snack #5
- Scream 009
- Screaming Eagle
- Screaming Green Monster
- Screaming Nazi
- Screaming Peach
- Sea Monkey
- Seduction
- Sehr Gut
- Senor Freak
- Seppuku
- Serbian Guerilla Fighter
- Serpiente
- Severus Snape
- Sex And Drugs And House
- Sex On The Beach Shooter
- Sexual Candy
- Sexual Intercourse
- Sex With Adam
- Sex With A Moose
- Sex With An Alien
- Sex With An Alligator
- Sex With An Alligator #2
- Sexy Green Frogs
- Sexy Milkshake
- Shady Bob Marley
- Shady Melon
- Shady Sunset
- Shag Later
- Sharon's Kiss
- Shit Stain
- Shivering Orgasm
- Shoot'n A Load
- Shot in the Dark
- Shut The Fuck Up
- Sicilian Kisses
- Sickness
- Sigma Pi Shot
- Silk Panties
- Silver Bullet #2
- Silver Bullet Shot
- Simple Green
- Sinus Clearer
- Sirius-B
- Skarbina
- Skeeter Piss
- Ski Resort Snake Bite
- Slapshot
- Sledge Hammer
- Sledgehammer
- Sleeping With Tina
- Sleezy Cheesie
- Slick Jamie
- Slippery Dick
- Slippery Nipple Shot
- Slippery Nipple Shot #2
- Slip The Mikki
- Slope Survival Potion
- Sloppy Pussy
- Slough Water
- Slow Comfortable Screw With Jack
- Slow Fuck
- Slutty Grandma
- Smokin' Bob Marley
- Smurfette Juice
- Smurfette On The Rag
- Smurf Pee
- Smurf With Hemarrhoids
- Snake Bite Shooter
- Sneeker
- Snickers Bar
- Snorkel
- Snot Rocket
- Snowshoe
- SoCo & Lime
- SoCo,Peach and Lime
- Softcore Porn
- Solar Flare
- Something Fun
- Son Of A Bitch
- Soul Taker
- Sour Apple #2
- Sour Apple Tequila
- Sour Bastard
- Sour Jack
- Sour Meister
- Sour Nipple
- Sour Pear
- Southern Blues
- Southern Cherry Popper
- Southern Kiss
- Southern Peach
- Spellbound
- Sperm Bank #2
- Spiced Peach
- Spiderman
- Spider Thong
- Spindle
- Starburst
- Starburst #2
- Starburst Blast
- Starry Night Shot
- Stars And Stripes
- Stars And Stripes #2
- Stars and Stripes #3
- Stealth
- Stiff Root
- Stinky Weasel
- Stop Light
- Strawberry Freddo
- Strawberry Kamikaze
- Strawberry Shiver
- Strong Bad
- Stunt Man
- Stupid Pucker
- Summer Fling
- Sundown
- Sun Scorcher
- Sunset At The Arch
- Superman Ice Cream Shooter
- Surfer On Acid
- Surfer On Acid #2
- Swamp Ogre
- Swamp Water #4
- Sweaty Mexican Lumberjack
- Swedish Berry
- Swedish Fish
- Sweet Emotion
- Sweet Heart
- Sweetish Fish Shot
- Sweet Jesus
- Sweet Lips
- Sweet November
- Sweet Southern Rain
- Sweet Tart
- Swift Kick In The Nuts
- T-52
- T-Bone
- T2
- Take You To France!
- Tang
- Tasty Apple Pie
- Tattoo Typhoon
- Teenage Mutant Training Bra
- Temptation Island
- Tennessee X-mas
- Tennesse Tequila
- Ten Snakes In A Lawnmower
- Tequila Body Slammer
- Tequila Bum Bum
- Tequila Head Slam
- Tequila Knockout
- Tequila Poppers
- Tequila Shots
- Tequila Slammer
- Tequila Slammer #2
- Tequila Surprise
- Terminator
- Test-Tube Baby
- Tetanus Shot
- Texas Antifreeze
- Texas Prairie Fire
- Texas Rattlesnake
- That Son Of A Bitch
- The "Liquerice" Dream
- The 19th Green
- The A-Rock
- The Action Contraction
- The Astro-Pop
- The Babcock
- The Bearded Scot
- The Bernie
- The Big Banana
- The Billy Bishop Bullet
- The Bomb Pop #2
- The Brad
- The Brain
- The Candy Corn Shot
- The Captain On Acid
- The Centurion
- The Cointreauversial Japanese Monkey Runs Amok In Downtown Rome
- The Colombian
- The Communion
- The Flame
- The Fraggle Rock
- The GoldNotiq Schlong
- The Graduate
- The Irish Pride Shot
- The Killer Shot
- The Last Ride
- The Martini Shot
- The Matrix
- The Molotov Shot
- The Original Scooby Snack
- The Patriot
- The Pritch
- The Real "Astropop"
- The Real Root Beer Float
- The Red And Black
- The Shaved Beaver
- The Snake
- The Texans
- The Western Beer
- Thin Mint
- Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie
- Third Term Abortion
- Thorazine
- Three Dumbasses
- Three Musketeers
- Three Sheets To The Wind
- Threesome
- Three Stages Of Friendship
- Three Stooges
- Three Wise Men
- Three Wise Men #2
- Three Wise Men (West Coast)
- Three Wise Men Go Hunting
- Three Wise Men Going Down South
- Three Wise Men On A Farm
- Three Wise Men Under A Tin Roof
- Thunder and Lightning
- Thunder And Lightning #2
- Tic Tac
- Tidal Wave #4
- Tigger
- Time Bomb #2
- Tiny's Fucked Stump
- Titty Ca Ca
- Tomato Slammer
- Tongue In My Panties
- Tony A
- Tony Danza
- Tootsie Pop
- Tootsie Roll
- Tootsie Roll #2
- Tophoj Panty Dropper
- Totem Pole
- Toxic Love
- Traffic Light
- Traffic Light #2
- Transport Accident
- Trevor Snacks
- Triple Treat
- Tropical Violet
- Trouble
- Tru 2 The Game
- Turkey Fart
- Tv Soda Shot #1
- Tv Soda Shot #2
- Twitter Shot
- U-Boat
- Ultimate Fuck
- Ultimate Party Shot
- Ultimate Screaming Nazi
- Ultra Cool Sex Fest
- Unabomber
- Uncle Sam
- Under A Dark Cloud
- Uni-Baller
- Unknown Warrior
- Upside-down Pineapple
- Vanilla Ice
- Vanilla Pudding Shots
- Virgin's Pussy
- Virgin Bad Habit
- Virulent Death
- Vodka 151 Proof
- Vodka Tabasco
- Vomit Juice #2
- Vulcan Mind Meld
- Vulcan Mind Probe
- Vulcan Mind Probe #2
- Warm And Fuzzy
- Warm Apple Pie #2
- Warm Blonde
- Warp Core Breach
- Washington Apple #2
- Washington Apple Shot
- Waterfall
- Watermelon Blood
- Watermelon Bomb
- Watermelon Rancher
- Watermelon Shooter
- Watermelon Shot
- Watermelon Shot #2
- Water Moccasin
- Weakness
- Wedding Cake
- Weekend On The Beach
- Werthers
- West Block
- Wet Crotch
- Wet Fart
- Wet Kiss
- Wet Pussy
- Wet Pussy #3
- Wet Pussy #4
- Wet Pussy #6
- Wet Slit
- What Crisis?
- Whisker Biscuit
- Whisper
- Whistling Gypsy
- White Almond Kiss
- White Mess
- White Mocha Deluxe
- White Witch
- Whoa Brown Becky
- Whoredog
- Wicked Snowshoe
- Wild Berry Pop-Tart
- Wild Cherry Bomb
- Wild Child
- WildFire
- Wild Fuck
- Wild Horse
- Wild Peppertini
- Wild Prairie Fire
- Windex #2
- Windy
- Winter Green Dragon
- Winter Hemorrhage
- Witches Tits
- Wood Nippie
- Woo Woo Shooter
- Wopple
- Wrigley's Juicy Fruit
- Writhing Maggots
- Wyoming Cowpie
- X
- Yaps
- Yellow Snow
- Yukon Cornelius
- Yukon Jack Bauer
- Yukon Snakebite
- Yummeh
- Z633
- Zenmeister
- Zero Pumpin' Iron
- Zhivago's Revenge
- Zowie
- Z Street Slammer
- Zuc